Concrete and Cranes:
Virtual VBS 2.0!

Joy! Jesus, Our Strong Foundation!

With joy in our hearts do we praise and give thanks to our Magnificent God!  It is with His Mighty Hand that He brought:

  • 81 children to register for Concrete and Cranes Virtual VBS 2.0, in less than one week.
  • Spirit-gifted technology masters who created a virtual VBS, registered and organized, and administrated the Live Zoom sessions. They worked long into the night and early morning hours to wonderfully provide resources so all could continue to experience VBS at home.
  • Spirit-empowered classroom teachers and leaders who connected with each child through virtual breakout rooms guiding them in knowing God through His Word and as their Savior and Lord.
  • Spirit-inspired videographers and editors who told the Bible stories accurately and with such creativity.
  • Spirit-filled virtual craft leaders and snack idea leaders who brought the fun to VBS for every age level.
  • Faith-filled and faithful prayer warriors – the cranes lifting up VBS to God!


Thank you for petitioning our Great God. Continue to pray for the families that participated in VBS:

  • Continue to lift up the children in your prayers as they begin school.
  • Pray that God will provide wisdom as they grow in their faith and as they continue to build strong foundations for life in the love, forgiveness, worth and promises of Jesus.

See our additional resources on the VBS Wakelet:



With God, all things are possible! He showed us He had a blueprint plan to draw the children to Him even when we could not gather in person. What God starts, God completes! “I am sure of this, that He who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion, until the day of Christ Jesus!” (theme verse from Philippians 1:6)


線上暑期聖經班 2.0!



  • 81個​​孩子在不到一周的時間內註冊了“建基與建造”-線上暑期聖經班 2.0!
  • 具有創造力的技術同工創建了線上VBS,進行了註冊和組織,並管理Live Zoom視訊通話。他們一直工作到深夜,以提供出色的資源,使所有人都可以在家中體驗VBS。
  • 滿有聖靈能力的課堂教師和領袖,通過線上教室與每一個孩子建立關係,引導他們通過他的話語認識神,成為他們的救主。
  • 聖靈啟發的攝像師和編輯同工們,準確而富有創意地講述聖經故事。
  • 聖靈引導非常有創意的帶領同工用綫上的手工和零食時間,為每個年齡層的VBS參與者帶來樂趣。
  • 充滿信心和忠實的禱告戰士-“起重機”將參與VBS的小朋友們仰望給上帝!



  • 在孩子們開始上學時,繼續用祈禱來托起他們;
  • 禱告神賜給他們智慧,讓他們的信心成長,讓他們繼續在耶穌的愛、寬恕、價值和應許中為生活建立穩固的根基。

請參見VBS Wakelet 上的其他資源:




與上帝同在,一切皆有可能!祂向我們展示了祂有一個藍圖計劃,即使我們不能親自見面,也要把孩子們帶到上帝面前。上帝開始,上帝完成! “我深信那在你們心裡動了善工的,必成全這工,直到耶穌基督的日子。!” (腓立比書1章6節的主題經文)

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