An update on HIS Group college fellowship and English Sunday School-Adult Education.
Tag: Girls/Women 女生
Elders meet with the notary for the signing of the final document…
April 12, 2020年4月12日
Sunday Sermons in English, Cantonese, & Mandarin. Also Children’s Ministry videos for Jr Church & Beginner Church.
April 10, 2020年4月10日
Good Friday Sermons in English, Cantonese, & Mandarin.
April 6, 2020年4月6日
M&Ms[Marriage & Ministry] Married Couples Sunday School & Fellowshipconducted in EnglishEvery Sunday(first Sunday of the month: breakfast potluck fellowship: feed kids at 9:00am and send to Children’s Sunday School)Contact:
Teens for Christ, ATLPC’s high school fellowship is going online!
True Light Couples Fellowship 真光夫婦團契 Once a Month as Announcedconducted in CantoneseContact: Elwyn Truong 真光夫婦團契 – 粵語每月一次待通知聯繫人: 張鄭圓
EXCEL Bible Study 精英組查經班 Wednesdays, 10:30amCantonese Senior CitizensSocial Hall (Basement)Contact: Paul Lam 週三, 上午10:30精英組查經班 – 粵語交誼廳(地下室)聯繫人: 林 長老
Tuesdays (except the 3rd Tuesday of the month)7:30-9:00pmconducted in EnglishPastor’s Study (Rm 214)Contact: Pastor Jack Davidson 查經班 – 英文週二 (每月的第三個星期二除外)晚上7:30-9:00交誼廳(地下室)聯繫人: 戴惟信 牧師