Registration Now Open!
Tag: Boys/Men 男生
We have regular Zoom meetings on Sundays; Beginner Church in the mornings, and Junior Church in the afternoons.
我和孩子們在周日定期舉行Zoom會議;早上是Beginner Church,下午是Junior Church。
The first ever ATLPC All-Church Zoom Fellowship!
Praise God for what TFC & the 30-Hour Famine accomplished!
This past Pentecost Sunday while our fellowship, like so many churches, celebrated the wondrous coming of the Holy Spirit, something truly dreadful was coming upon our nation.
May 31, 2020年5月31日
We are excited for Pentecost Sunday! We celebrate the receiving of the Holy Spirit into the lives of believers!
An update on how the Cantonese Ministry is staying connected.
An update on Worship and moving church online for the time being.
An update on how the Mandarin Ministry is staying connected.
An update on HIS Group college fellowship and English Sunday School-Adult Education.