See the Nominees for church Elders, Deacons, & Trustees. Also find out what will be on the agenda for the upcoming Congregational meeting.
Tag: All-Church
This year, our Stewardship thoughts are this: If you are facing a personal or financial crisis this year, please don’t hesitate to contact any of our pastors or deacons… If God has blessed you and sustained you materially this year, we hope you will prayerfully consider how you can further the church’s ministries through your financial gifts.
If you have not done so already and are able, get out and vote! Let’s pray for, and seek after, honesty, humility, and charity in the United States of America. May the Lord Jesus, our Savior from heaven, give us wisdom and insight; grace and peace; humility and love.
Thursday, October 29th, 7:00-8:00pm
Join us in Prayer!
The Deacons & Health Ministry want to thank all those who attended the Drive-In Flu Clinic held on October 4, 2020.
Registration Now Open!
The first ever ATLPC All-Church Zoom Fellowship!
Read Part 2 of “Our Present Crisis in the U.S.”
This past Pentecost Sunday while our fellowship, like so many churches, celebrated the wondrous coming of the Holy Spirit, something truly dreadful was coming upon our nation.
An update on Worship and moving church online for the time being.