Appreciation for Pastor Mary Photos courtesy of Jason Yuen   Session recently received Pastor Mary Ren’s resignation as Minister of Evangelism & Discipleship, Mandarin Ministry effective 1/31/23 due to personal

Stewardship 好管家通訊 Online Pledge Form Pledge 2022 Dear Members and Friends,   For many of us, 2021 can be thought of as the year that things almost, but not quite, got

This year, our Stewardship thoughts are this: If you are facing a personal or financial crisis this year, please don’t hesitate to contact any of our pastors or deacons… If God has blessed you and sustained you materially this year, we hope you will prayerfully consider how you can further the church’s ministries through your financial gifts.

If you have not done so already and are able, get out and vote! Let’s pray for, and seek after, honesty, humility, and charity in the United States of America. May the Lord Jesus, our Savior from heaven, give us wisdom and insight; grace and peace; humility and love.